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Increasing Tobacco Prices Through Non-Tax Approaches

…with minimum price laws had 5–11% higher prices for low-priced cigarettes and  3–9% higher median cigarette prices.,[5] In addition, states whose laws prohibited multi-pack discounts that dropped the price below…

EBS-PRO Sample Home Page

…currency=”$” price=”300″]Pro[/ebs_pt_column_head] [ebs_pt_column_features] [ebs_feature]24/7 Phone Support[/ebs_feature] [ebs_feature]Advance Option[/ebs_feature] [ebs_feature]100GB Storage[/ebs_feature] [ebs_feature]1GB Bandwidth[/ebs_feature] [/ebs_pt_column_features] [ebs_pt_button link=”http://www.google.com”]Sign Up[/ebs_pt_button] [/ebs_pt_column] [ebs_pt_column lg=”3″ md=”3″ sm=”6″ xs=”12″ col_type=”multicol” ] [ebs_pt_column_head currency=”$” price=”500″]ultra[/ebs_pt_column_head] [ebs_pt_column_features] [ebs_feature]24/7 Phone…


…the data, view outputs, and analyze findings. Disseminate your findings to stakeholders and data collectors. For more information on conducting store observations, please see this article: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2016/pdf/15_0504.pdf  vSTARS Success Stories …

E-Cigarette Competition Heats Up


…E-Cigarette Leaders. (2014, June 2). Retrieved June 10, 2014, fromhttp://www.trefis.com/stock/mo/articles/241272/maryaltria-set-to-pose-a-stiff-challenge-to-existing-e-cigarette-leaders/2014-06-02 Reynold Begins National E-cig Launch. (2014, June 6). Retrieved June 10, 2014, fromhttp://www.bizjournals.com/triad/blog/2013/06/reynolds-begins-national-launch-of-e-cig.html?page=all Reynold to expand E-cig Product to Utah…

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