Welcome to CounterTobacco.org’s “News and Research Roundup!” Each month we post a summary of the latest research, reports, and news stories on counteracting tobacco product sales and marketing at the point of sale (POS). Keeping up with what’s happening in the POS movement all across the country can help you choose policies and strategies that work best for your community. New research can help provide support for your work and evidence for the importance of the “War in the Store.” Have a story you don’t want us to miss? E-mail it to us!
New Research
Youth Use
Influence of the Flavored Cigarette Ban on Adolescent Tobacco Use, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
- Using a regression model and data from the National Youth Tobacco Surveys from 1999-2013, researchers estimated that the 2009 ban on flavored cigarettes reduced the probability of becoming a smoker among youth by 17% and reduced the number of cigarettes smoked by youth smokers by 58%. However, the ban was associated with a 45% increase in youth use of menthol-flavored cigarettes, which were excluded from the ban, as well as a 34% increase in youth cigar use and a 55% increase in youth pipe use. While these numbers suggest that many tobacco users substituted another product for flavored cigarettes, overall, there was a 6% decline in the probability that youth using tobacco.
- Learn more about other flavored tobacco products.
- Cohort study investigating the effects of first stage of the English tobacco point-of-sale display ban on awareness, susceptibility and smoking uptake among adolescents, BMJ
- Following the 2012 implementation of the first stage of England’s point-of-sale tobacco display ban (in all large shops), 13% fewer youth ages 11-16 noticed tobacco displays in shops. However, after adjustment for other factors, researchers found no significant change in smoking susceptibility or uptake. Results have not yet been determined following the 2015 extension of the ban to all shops.
- E-cigarettes and National Adolescent Cigarettes Use: 2004-2014, Pediatrics
- Based on data from the 2004-2014 National Youth Tobacco Surveys, a logistic regression model, the psychosocial model of smoking, and no significant change in youth cigarette smoking from 2009-2014, researchers found that the introduction of e-cigarettes was not associated with a decline in youth cigarette use. The authors conclude that e-cigarette only users would have been unlikely to initiate tobacco use with cigarettes.
- News Story: E-cigarettes are expanding tobacco product use among youth, EurkAlert!
“The Real Cost” 30 sec spot
- Association Between The Real Cost Media Campaign and Smoking Initiation Among Youths – United States, 2014-2016, CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
- The FDA’s “The Real Cost” youth-focused national media campaign potentially prevented 350,000 youth ages 11-18 from smoking during 2014-2016. High exposure the campaign was associated with a 30% decrease in risk for smoking initiation.
Adult Use and Disparities
- Tobacco-Product Use by Adults and Youths in the United States in 2013 and 2014, New England Journal of Medicine
- Results from the nationally representative, longitudinal Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, 27.5% of adults and 8.9% of youth were current tobacco users in 2013 and 2014. Of both adult and youth tobacco users, 40% used multiple tobacco products, and cigarettes and e-cigarettes were the most common combination. Tobacco use was higher among young adults, males, and members of racial and sexual minorities.
- News Story: 1 in 4 U.S. Adults, 1 in 10 Teens Use Tobacco, Everyday Health
- Transgender Use of Cigarettes, Cigars, and E-Cigarettes in a National Study, American Journal of Preventive Medicine
- In a national cross-sectional online survey, researchers found that 39.7% of transgender adults reported higher current (past 30 day) use of any cigarette/cigar/e-cigarette product compared to 25.1% of cisgender adults. Specifically, 35.5% reported use of cigarettes, compared to 20.7% of cisgender adults, 26.8% reported use of cigars compared to 9.3% of cisgender adults, and 21.3% reported use of e-cigarettes, compared to 5% of cisgender adults. This was the first national US study to assess differences in tobacco use across gender identities separately from sexual orientation.
Price Promotions – also right at kids eye level - Learn more about disparities in tobacco use.
- In a national cross-sectional online survey, researchers found that 39.7% of transgender adults reported higher current (past 30 day) use of any cigarette/cigar/e-cigarette product compared to 25.1% of cisgender adults. Specifically, 35.5% reported use of cigarettes, compared to 20.7% of cisgender adults, 26.8% reported use of cigars compared to 9.3% of cisgender adults, and 21.3% reported use of e-cigarettes, compared to 5% of cisgender adults. This was the first national US study to assess differences in tobacco use across gender identities separately from sexual orientation.
Price Promotions
- Neighborhood exposure to point-of-sale price promotions for cigarettes is associated with financial stress among smokers: results from a population-based study, Tobacco Control
- Smokers who live In neighborhoods with more POS cigarette price promotions were more likely to report financial stress. Previous research has found that smokers with financial stress are less likely to successfully quit or attempt to quit smoking. The authors suggest that high exposure to POS cigarette price promotions may make it harder for smokers to quit.
- Learn more about policies that prohibit price promotions.
- How hearing about harmful chemicals affects smokers’ interest in dual use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes, Preventive Medicine
- Adult cigarette smokers were more likely to believe that cigarettes are more harmful than e-cigarettes and express interest in dual use of the two products when told that cigarettes have more chemicals than e-cigarettes compared to smokers who were told cigarettes and e-cigarettes contained the same amount of chemicals. The authors suggest that disclosing the amount of chemicals in cigarettes and e-cigarettes could have the unintentional consequence of increasing dual use.
New Reports
- FDA Finalizes New Rule “Clarifying” When a Tobacco Product is Actually a Medical Product, National Law Review
Industry News
- British American Tobacco to Take Over Reynolds American in $49 Billion Deal, New York Times
- PMI Reports More Than 1M Smokers Converted to iQOS, Convenience Store News
- Local Municipalities Become Ground Zero in Tobacco Wars, CSP Magazine
- Will Walgreens Stop Selling Smokes?, CSP Daily News
- Apple patents a vaporizer, CNN
- 14 Highlights From the Tobacco Plus Expo, CSP Daily News
- E-Tobacco, What’s Next?, Convenience Store Decisions
- The Final Deeming Rule, Six Months Later, Convenience Store News
POS Policy in the Media
Youth Engagement
- Tobacco Free Network, Reality Check Send Students to Albany, Oswego County Today
- Kendall students take a stand against tobacco, Orleans Hub
- Vermont Youth Take on Flavored Tobacco, VT Digger
- Tobacco Companies Target People Struggling With Mental Health, Teen Vogue
Licensing and Tobacco Free Pharmacies

- Novato council approves law restricting tobacco sales, Marin Independent Journal
- Rockland Legislators Back Ban Sales Of Tobacco Products At Pharmacies, Clarkstown Daily Voice
- Why is Walgreens still selling cigarettes? Shareholders want to know, Chicago Tribune
- At the corner of happy and healthy, Walgreens still sells cigarettes. It’s time to kick the habit, Chicago Tribune
- Windsor moves to snuff out youth smoking, Press Democrat
- City to consider tighter tobacco restrictions, Corvallis Gazette-Times
- Lighting up: Tobacco shops may need new license, Herald and News
- Board attaches higher fees to vape shops in Forsyth County, Forsyth County News
Tobacco 21
- Orange County resets minimum tobacco sales age to 21, Daily Freeman
- Pembroke Board of Health votes to raise tobacco age to 21, Wicked Local Pembroke
- Tobacco purchase age will rise to 21, Genesee County commission decides, MLive.com
- Central Falls City Council votes to raise legal age for buying tobacco, WPRI
- Texas may snuff out smoking for anyone younger than 21, Dallas News
- Legislative Bill Targets Young Smokers, Spokane Public Radio
- Massachusetts lawmaker plans to re-ignite tobacco purchasing debate, WWLP
- Proposed Bill Would Increase Legal Smoking Age from 18 to 21, NBC Connecticut
- Ulster County Wants to Raise Smoking Age to 21, WDPH
- No cigarettes until age 21? Arizona considers raising age limit, AZ Central
- Bill looks to raise Oregon’s smoking age to 21, KCBY
- Indiana bill seeks to raise minimum age to purchase to 21, HalfWheel
- Ohio city discusses raising age to buy tobacco products, WFMJ
- Bill would raise smoking age to 21 in NY, Observer-Dispatch
- Nebraska Lawmakers Consider Raising Smoking Age to 21, Associated Press
Truth Initiative’s new #StopProfiling campaign
Disparities in POS Advertising and Retailer Density
- How the Tobacco Industry Has Targeted the LGBT Community for Decades, ATTN
- Battling Menthol Restrictions, R.J. Reynolds Reaches out to Al Sharpton, Other Black Leaders, FairWarning
- New Anti-Smoking Ad Starring Amanda Seales Highlights How Tobacco Companies Exploit Black Communities, Essence
- FDA moves to limit cancer-causing chemicals in chewing tobacco, The Hill
- Leominster Board of Health approves regs limiting sales of flavored-tobacco products, Sentinel and Enterprise
- Hookahs, Cigarettes Would be Banned From NYC Bodega Shelves Under New Bill, Washington Heights Patch
- County Addressing Sale of Tobacco, Vapor Products, Flagstaff Business News
Find more stories in last month’s News and Research Roundup.
Know of a story that we missed? Email us, and we’ll be sure to include it in next month’s roundup!