WEBINAR – Creative Chemistry: Addressing Industry Evasion and Synthetic Nicotine

  Recently, PuffBar e-cigarettes and similar products have emerged on the market claiming to contain synthetic nicotine – nicotine that is not derived from tobacco, but instead produced in a laboratory. Driving these products are the reduced costs of producing synthetic nicotine and federal policies that incentivize the use of synthetic nicotine, such as the … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday is The Center for Black Health & Equity’s annual faith-based observance day. It is an opportunity to engage faith communities in tough conversations about how menthol and tobacco … Read More

Point of Sale Tobacco Marketing Photo Contest

The Surgeon General says that exposure to retail marketing encourages smoking and undermines quit attempts. According to the Federal Trade Commission’s reports on marketing expenditures for cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and … Read More

WEBINAR: Equity at the Tobacco Point of Sale

How can health equity inspire local policy work? What commercial tobacco prevention strategies at the point of sale can promote health equity? How can the policy process build community power? … Read More

#TakeDownTobacco National Day of Action

On Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids' #TakeDownTobacco National Day of Action, youth advocates across the country will come together to call Big Tobacco’s bluff and expose them for who they … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

The Center for Black Health & Equity’s No Menthol Sunday is an annual opportunity for faith communities to address the detrimental impact tobacco has on Black communities. Each year, they … Read More

Comprehensive Plans, Zoning, and the Intersection with Commercial Tobacco Regulation

In this webinar, a Public Health Law Center staff attorney will discuss the importance of comprehensive planning and zoning as a platform for advancing commercial tobacco regulation. The presenter will describe the components of comprehensive planning and provide an overview of zoning, how it can relate to comprehensive planning, and how these mechanisms can empower … Read More

Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action

On Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids' Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action, youth advocates and their communities come together to stand up to Big Tobacco, expose the tricks this industry uses to lure kids into addiction, and call for change. On April 1, you can join thousands of youth advocates across the country to … Read More

WEBINAR – The Cost of Access: The Price of Tobacco Products

Eliminating low-priced tobacco products is an important tobacco prevention and public health tool. The lower that tobacco products are priced in a community, the higher the likelihood that more members of that community will use those products and develop nicotine addiction. It is not a coincidence that tobacco products are often the cheapest in neighborhoods … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday is The Center for Black Health & Equity’s annual call to action highlighting the detrimental impact tobacco has on Black communities. This is the organization's tenth year engaging faith leaders to educate congregants about smoking, vaping, and the role of menthol and other flavors in initiating tobacco addiction.   Learn more: https://www.nomentholsunday.org/

WEBINAR – Show and Tell: Court Decision Upholds Mandate for Graphic Warnings on Commercial Tobacco Products in the U.S.

Join Public Health Law Center for a brief conversation on the latest decision in the R.J. Reynolds v. FDA (2020), which upheld the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s mandate for graphic health warning labels on cigarette packaging and advertising. This is a pivotal win for public health despite possible continuing legal challenges, and moves the U.S. one … Read More

WEBINAR – The National Legal Landscape of Flavored Tobacco Proudcts

With flavors like berry lemonade, pineapple ice, and many variations of mint, “cool”, and “frost” products, flavored commercial tobacco products have become a primary tactic to get youth to start using tobacco products and keep them hooked. In commercial tobacco control policy, the legal landscape of flavored tobacco product regulation continues to evolve at the … Read More

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