U.S. Tobacco Policy and Enforcement During COVID-19 Shutdowns

The webinar, hosted by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and the Public Health Law Center, will examine the intersection of state and local policy responses to COVID-19 and commercial tobacco prevention and control. The presenters will provide background on the authority for state and local actions and highlight strengths and deficiencies of COVID-19 policies … Read More

WEBINAR – Research Into Action: Tobacco Minimum Floor Price Law and Adult Smoking Prevalence

CADCA, along with its Geographic Health Equity Alliance and in partnership with Counter Tools, has invited Dr. Shelley Golden and Derek Carr, JD, to discuss the findings of their recent article, "Simulating the Impact of a Cigarette Minimum Floor Price Law on Adult Smoking Prevalence in California," published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research in 2020. The article found that as the floor price of … Read More

WEBINAR – Out of Flavor: Updates on Flavor Ban Legislation and Litigation

  A growing number of states and local communities have passed sales restrictions of flavored commercial tobacco products, some of which include restrictions of flavored e-cigarettes. States such as Massachusetts and New Jersey have led the way, followed by other states, Tribes, and dozens of local jurisdictions, with more action every month. The tobacco industry … Read More

WEBINAR – Local Flavor Litigation: What’s the Scoop?

In the webinar hosted by the Public Health Law Center, presenters will provide an update on local legal challenges to laws restricting sales of flavored tobacco products.   Webinar Registration

Youth Engagement in Tobacco Control Webinar Series

CADCA’s Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) is partnering with CADCA’s Youth Leadership Initiative and Nuestras Voces (Our Voices) Network to present a two-part webinar series, “Youth Engagement in Tobacco Control”. The first webinar … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday, a national observance day led by The Center for Black Health & Equity is an important opportunity to engage faith leaders and their communities in a discussion … Read More

Point-of-Sale Tobacco Marketing Photo Contest

The tobacco industry spends nearly $1 million every hour to market their deadly products - most of it at the point of sale. That amounted to $6.6 billion spent directly on marketing in the retail environment in 2019. The Surgeon General has concluded that exposure to this retail marketing encourages smoking and undermines quit attempts.   And it's happening in … Read More

Point-of-Sale Tobacco Marketing Photo Contest

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in CounterTobacco.org’s 10th Annual Point-of-Sale Tobacco Marketing Photo Contest! Each year we host this contest to showcase what’s happening in the tobacco retail environment all across the country. These images are crucial to educating the public, educating policymakers, and furthering the success of state and local tobacco … Read More

WEBINAR – Creative Chemistry: Addressing Industry Evasion and Synthetic Nicotine

  Recently, PuffBar e-cigarettes and similar products have emerged on the market claiming to contain synthetic nicotine – nicotine that is not derived from tobacco, but instead produced in a laboratory. Driving these products are the reduced costs of producing synthetic nicotine and federal policies that incentivize the use of synthetic nicotine, such as the … Read More

Health Justice: In Tobacco Control Webinar

Join The Center for Black Health & Equity for a webinar on Thursday, March 17 at 4 P.M. to help you learn more about their new Health Justice in Tobacco Control guide’s make up and how it differs from other tobacco control literature on the market.This is your chance to talk to co-authors Sterling Fulton, … Read More

WEBINAR – Changing the Game Redux: An Updated Playbook for E-cigarette Regulation at the State and Local Level

Despite public health concerns about the prevalence of e-cigarette use – especially among youth and young adults – the U.S. e-cigarette market continues to thrive. Addressing this rapidly changing market requires coordinated and evidence-based policy at local, state, and federal levels. This 75- minute webinar features experts in public health law, policy, and advocacy who … Read More

WEBINAR: The Effects of Preemption & Opportunities for Action in Preempted States

Join Counter Tools, with special guests from Indiana and ChangeLab Solutions, for the next webinar in our "Healthy Point of Sale Webinar Series" on Thursday, April 14th, 2022 from 3:00-4:00pm ET!   With the introduction of new preemption bills during the pandemic and existing preempted states, tobacco point-of-sale related preemption presents a challenge to policy … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday is The Center for Black Health & Equity’s annual faith-based observance day. It is an opportunity to engage faith communities in tough conversations about how menthol and tobacco addiction have robbed community health for generations. The theme for this year is "Fight to the Finish." Learn more and download the toolkit here.

Webinar – Fighting Flavors: Updates on State and Local Flavor Ban Legislation & Litigation

States and local communities continue to pass restrictions on the sale of flavored tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. States such as Massachusetts, New Jersey and California have led the way, followed by other states, Tribes, and dozens of local jurisdictions, with more action every month. Unsurprisingly, the tobacco industry is trying to counter this momentum with … Read More

Point of Sale Tobacco Marketing Photo Contest

The Surgeon General says that exposure to retail marketing encourages smoking and undermines quit attempts. According to the Federal Trade Commission’s reports on marketing expenditures for cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes, in 2020, the tobacco industry spent $7.3 billion dollars making their presence known in the retail environment.  Each year, you help capture the tobacco industry’s marketing … Read More

WEBINAR: Equity at the Tobacco Point of Sale

How can health equity inspire local policy work? What commercial tobacco prevention strategies at the point of sale can promote health equity? How can the policy process build community power? To find out, join the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, the National League of Cities, and ChangeLab Solutions for a one-hour conversation on embedding equity … Read More

WEBINAR – Eliminating Commercial Tobacco: The Endgame Approach

Since the 1950s, the tobacco industry has killed millions of Americans and harmed tens of millions more, all while targeting kids and communities of color, driving up healthcare costs, and poisoning the environment with toxic waste. It’s time to end this, and communities have the evidence and authority they need to take action. In recent … Read More

#TakeDownTobacco National Day of Action

On Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids' #TakeDownTobacco National Day of Action, youth advocates across the country will come together to call Big Tobacco’s bluff and expose them for who they really are: jokers who gamble with people’s lives. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Big Tobacco is running new PR campaigns claiming they’re the good guys! They say … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

The Center for Black Health & Equity’s No Menthol Sunday is an annual opportunity for faith communities to address the detrimental impact tobacco has on Black communities. Each year, they encourage faith leaders to dedicate this day to educating congregants about smoking, vaping and the role of menthol and other flavors.   This year’s theme, … Read More

Comprehensive Plans, Zoning, and the Intersection with Commercial Tobacco Regulation

In this webinar, a Public Health Law Center staff attorney will discuss the importance of comprehensive planning and zoning as a platform for advancing commercial tobacco regulation. The presenter will describe the components of comprehensive planning and provide an overview of zoning, how it can relate to comprehensive planning, and how these mechanisms can empower … Read More

Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action

On Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids' Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action, youth advocates and their communities come together to stand up to Big Tobacco, expose the tricks this industry uses to lure kids into addiction, and call for change. On April 1, you can join thousands of youth advocates across the country to … Read More

WEBINAR – The Cost of Access: The Price of Tobacco Products

Eliminating low-priced tobacco products is an important tobacco prevention and public health tool. The lower that tobacco products are priced in a community, the higher the likelihood that more members of that community will use those products and develop nicotine addiction. It is not a coincidence that tobacco products are often the cheapest in neighborhoods … Read More

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday is The Center for Black Health & Equity’s annual call to action highlighting the detrimental impact tobacco has on Black communities. This is the organization's tenth year engaging faith leaders to educate congregants about smoking, vaping, and the role of menthol and other flavors in initiating tobacco addiction.   Learn more: https://www.nomentholsunday.org/

WEBINAR – Show and Tell: Court Decision Upholds Mandate for Graphic Warnings on Commercial Tobacco Products in the U.S.

Join Public Health Law Center for a brief conversation on the latest decision in the R.J. Reynolds v. FDA (2020), which upheld the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s mandate for graphic health warning labels on cigarette packaging and advertising. This is a pivotal win for public health despite possible continuing legal challenges, and moves the U.S. one … Read More

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