NJOY brags about E-Cigarette Placement among Candy

E-Cigarettes, Flavors (including Menthol), Product Placement, Youth

E-cigarette manufacturer NJOY has some explaining to do.

This screenshot—taken from their wholesaler/ retailer page—shows a spinning NJOY e-cigarette counter top display strategically placed next to lollipops, gum and candy bars.  The headline: “Check out how well this spinner is placed!”

Our question: Well-placed for what?  To appeal to youth? Looks like it.  NJOY_ecig placement_2014.09.12_3

Encouraging this type of product placement stands in direct contradiction to claims NJOY has made previously about their intentions to market products exclusively to adult audiences. The placement of e-cigarette displays near candy is a practice that should be abandoned by NJOY and all e-cigarette and tobacco companies.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen NJOY displays near candy.  Countertobacco.org users have submitted multiple photos of NJOY spinners placed near candy.                                                                                                                 e-cignearcandy_CounterTobacco.org_  Southwest Arapahoe-20130802-00514

n 2013 Andrew Beaver, Chief Marketing Officer of NJOY said “We look forward to the day when tobacco smoking is no longer part of the culture.

We hope NJOY will keep their word and abandon marketing strategies that appeal to youth.

Let NJOY know that it is time to #MakeTobaccoHistory and #StopYouthTargeting.

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