WEBINAR – Research Into Action: Tobacco Minimum Floor Price Law and Adult Smoking Prevalence

CADCA, along with its Geographic Health Equity Alliance and in partnership with Counter Tools, has invited Dr. Shelley Golden and Derek Carr, JD, to discuss the findings of their recent article, "Simulating the Impact of a Cigarette Minimum Floor Price Law on Adult Smoking Prevalence in California," published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research in 2020. The article found that as the floor price of … Read More

WEBINAR – Out of Flavor: Updates on Flavor Ban Legislation and Litigation

  A growing number of states and local communities have passed sales restrictions of flavored commercial tobacco products, some of which include restrictions of flavored e-cigarettes. States such as Massachusetts and New Jersey have led the way, followed by other states, Tribes, and dozens of local jurisdictions, with more action every month. The tobacco industry … Read More

WEBINAR – Local Flavor Litigation: What’s the Scoop?

In the webinar hosted by the Public Health Law Center, presenters will provide an update on local legal challenges to laws restricting sales of flavored tobacco products.   Webinar Registration

Youth Engagement in Tobacco Control Webinar Series

CADCA’s Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA) is partnering with CADCA’s Youth Leadership Initiative and Nuestras Voces (Our Voices) Network to present a two-part webinar series, “Youth Engagement in Tobacco Control”. The first webinar … Read More

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