Counter Tobacco Podcast Episode 25: Endgame

Cigarettes, Disparities, Endgame, Licensing, Podcast, Product Availability, Retailer Density

Endgame strategies have been defined as, “initiatives designed to change/eliminate permanently the structural, political, and social dynamics that sustain the tobacco epidemic, in order to end it within a specific time,” and moving towards the endgame means, “moving beyond tobacco control (which assumes the continued presence of tobacco as a common, widely-available ordinary consumer product) toward a tobacco-free future wherein commercial tobacco products would be phased out or their use and availability significantly restricted.” [1]

This episode describes what the “endgame” means for commercial tobacco control, the range of strategies it could involve, how point-of-sale policies can play a critical role in it, and highlights some examples of places that are already implementing endgame policies. Listen below or on iTunes/Apple PodcastsSpotify, iHeartRadio, or LibSyn.

Episode Transcript

Sources and Resources: is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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