Counter Tobacco Podcast Episode 19: On Your Radar – August Part 1

Cigarettes, Disparities, E-Cigarettes, FDA, Flavors (including Menthol), Podcast, Preemption, Price Promotions, Product Availability, Tobacco21, Youth

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“On Your Radar” is a new episode format, where we release two mini-episodes – one halfway through the month, one at the end of the month – that provide you with the most recent and relevant news stories and research on countering tobacco product sales, promotions, and marketing in the retail environment. Listen to Part 1 to learn what has happened in point-of-sale tobacco control in the beginning of August 2020. 

Listen below or on iTunesSpotify, iHeartRadio, or LibSyn.

Transcript for the episode can be found here


Sources – News Stories:

Georgia Senate Bill 375

Georgia’s Governor Signs Bill Raising Tobacco Purchasing Age to


Committee on Oversight and Reform Official Letter to FDA

Lawmakers Urge the FDA to Temporarily Clear E-Cigarettes from Market Amid COVID Pandemic. Here’s Why, CNN

Principles to Guide FDA Premarket Review of E-Cigarettes and Other Deemed Products Official Letter

As E-Cigarette Makers Face Critical September 9 Deadline, Leading Health Groups Urge FDA Not to Allow Sale of Any Flavored ProductsCampaign for Tobacco-Free Kids


LA Vape Flavor Ban Survives Tobacco Industry ChallengeLaw 360



E-cigarette availability, price promotions and marketing at the point-of-sale in the contiguous United States (2014-2015): National estimates and multilevel correlatesPreventative Medicine Reports

Association between youth smoking, electronic cigarette use, and Coronavirus disease 2019Journal of Adolescent Health is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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