Counter Tobacco Podcast Episode 18: Heated Tobacco Products

Cigarettes, FDA, Podcast

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This episode is designed to answer all your questions about heated tobacco products, or as the industry refers to them, “heat-not-burn” products. This episode covers their design and safety, assesses their marketing and current regulation, examines a bit of the newer research and literature on the products, explains the FDA’s ‘modified risk’ label authorization for the IQOS Heated Tobacco System, and considers policy options moving forward.

Listen below or on iTunesSpotify, iHeartRadio, or LibSyn.

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Transcript for the episode can be found here


Sources & Resources:

6 important things to know about IQOS, the new heated cigarette productTruth Initiative 

Awareness and interest in IQOS heated tobacco products among youth in Canada, England, and the USATobacco Control

Emerging product watch: IQOS introduced in Atlanta and

Examples of PMI’s global marketing of IQOSCampaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Factors that influence smokers’ and ex-smokers’ use of IQOS: a qualitative study of IQOS users and ex-users in the UKTobacco Control

FDA authorizes IQOS marketing as modified

Heated tobacco products information sheet, World Health Organization

Heated cigarettes: How states can avoid getting burnedPublic Health Law Center

Heated tobacco productsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention

How are non-combusted cigarettes, sometimes called heat-not-burn products, different from e-cigarettes and cigarettes?Food and Drug Administration

Identification of volatile constituents release from IQOS heat-not-burn tobacco HeatSticks using a direct sampling methodTobacco Control

Perceptions of harmfulness of heated tobacco products compared to combustible cigarettes among adult smokers in Japan: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan surveyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Rapid increase in heated tobacco product (HTP) use from 2015 to 2019: From the Japan ‘Society and New Tobacco’ Internet Survey (JASTIS)Tobacco Control

What are “heat-not-burn” cigarettes?Truth Initiative

What would happen if new tobacco products ‘akin to iPhones’ were sold in the U.S.?Truth Initiative 

U.S. heated cigarette regulations – 50 state reviewPublic Health Law Center is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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