Counter Tobacco Podcast Episode 16: Tobacco-Free Pharmacies

Pharmacies, Podcast, Retailer Density, Youth

Counter Tobacco Podcast logoPharmacies are licensed healthcare facilities uniquely positioned to provide healthcare services and health advice directly to community members across the US. Yet, many pharmacies still widely promote and sell tobacco products, the leading cause of preventable disease and death in this country. This episode focuses entirely on tobacco-free pharmacies. We’ll hone in on evidence-backed research, dive into case studies and success stories, and consider the policy options that can establish tobacco-free pharmacies in your community. Listen below or on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or LibSyn.


Transcript for the episode can be found here.


Sources & Recommended Resources:

A Prescription for Health: Tobacco Free PharmaciesChangeLab Solutions 

California Comprehensive Tobacco Retailer Licensing: Model Ordinance, Checklist, and Supplemental Plug-InsChangeLab Solutions 

Model Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco and Unregulated Nicotine Delivery Products by Health Care InstitutionsAmerican Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation

Municipalities with Tobacco-Free Pharmacy Laws (as of April 1, 2020), American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation

Pharmacists and Customers Agree: Tobacco Does Not Belong in PharmaciesTruth Initiative

Prohibiting Pharmacy Sales of Tobacco Products, Public Health Law Center

Regulating Pharmacy Tobacco Sales: MassachusettsCenter for Public Health Systems Science

Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. on Forceful New Actions Focused on Retailers, Manufacturers to Combat Youth Access to E-cigarettes as Part of FDA’s Youth Tobacco Prevention PlanFDA

Tobacco Free

Tobacco Free Pharmacies Action

Tobacco-Free Pharmacies and U.S. Adult Smoking Behavior: Evidence from CVS Health’s Removal of Tobacco SalesAmerican Journal of Preventative Medicine

Tobacco-Free Pharmacies InfographicChangeLab Solutions

We Can’t Wait: Governmental Action Can Do More Than Voluntary Corporate is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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