Counter Tobacco Podcast Episode 15: Tobacco Retailer Licensing

Disparities, Licensing, Pharmacies, Podcast, Retailer Density, Youth

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Tobacco retail licenses (TRLs) are one of the most lasting and effective strategies in tobacco control. In addition to letting states and localities know who is selling tobacco, licensing is an evidence-based way to reduce tobacco use; it also offers a versatile regulatory platform that allows jurisdictions to implement additional policies that can further reduce tobacco use and reduce disparities in the retail environment. This episode offers a mini boot camp in TRL basics; we’ll take a look at what they are, why they are useful, and how your locality can ensure success when implementing one. Listen below, on iTunes, or on LibSyn.


Transcript for the episode can be found here.


Recommended Resources:

Licensing, Zoning, and Retailer

Minnesota City Retail Tobacco Licensing Ordinance [Model Ordinance]Public Health Law Center

Tobacco Retail Licensing: Promoting Health Through Local Sales RegulationsPublic Health and Tobacco Policy Center

Tobacco Retailer Licensing PlaybookChangeLab Solutions

Show Me Your License: The Basics of Tobacco Retailer LicensingChangeLab Solutions is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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