Archived Webinar: Tobacco Retailer Licensing from Three Perspectives

E-Cigarettes, Licensing, Policy Advocacy, Webinars
On September 30, 2019, Counter Tools for our 9th quarterly webinar in the “Healthy POS Webinar Series.” 
In this webinar, three speakers share their perspectives on the beneficial impacts of strong tobacco retailer licensing policy as a means of reducing youth cigarette and e-cigarette use. Dr. Barrington-Trimis, Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at University of Southern California, shares findings from her research around tobacco retail licensing and youth product use. Colleen Hughes, Synar Coordinator and Behavioral Health Wellness Consultant for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and Chelsi Bennett, J.D., Virginia Government Relations Director for the American Heart Association, share their perspectives on Virginia’s efforts toward licensing. is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)
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