Welcome to CounterTobacco.org’s third installment of our new “News and Research Roundup!” Each month we’ll be posting a summary of the latest research, reports, and news stories on counteracting tobacco product sales and marketing at the point of sale (POS). Keeping up with what’s happening in the POS movement all across the country can help you choose policies and strategies that work best for your community. New research can provide support for your work and evidence for the importance of the “War in the Store.” Have a story you don’t want us to miss? E-mail it to us!
New Research
- Tobacco product prices before and after a statewide tobacco tax increase, Tobacco Control
- This study shows that tax increases are an effective way to increase prices for both cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. However, as prices increase, so do price promotions from tobacco companies.
- Learn more about raising tobacco prices through non-tax approaches.
- Exploring the potential for a mass media campaign to influence support for a ban on tobacco promotion at the point of sale, Health Education Research
- Exposure to point-of-sale displays and changes in susceptibility to smoking: findings from a cohort study of school students, Addiction
- This UK study found that children aged 11-16 who noticed POS displays more often and had greater tobacco brand recognition were more susceptible to smoking. Read more about the harmful effects of tobacco product displays and ways to counter them by restricting product placement in the retail setting.
Graphic Warning Labels and Plain Packaging:
The impact of the 2009/2010 enhancement of cigarette health warning labels in Uruguay: longitudinal findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Uruguay Survey,Tobacco Control
- This study demonstrates the effectiveness of increasing health warning labels to a larger size than the FCTC recommended size. Two years after Uruguay increased the size of health warning labels to over 50% of the package size, smokers were found to think more about quitting, think more about the risk of smoking, and avoid looking at the health warning label. Smokers in the study also reported that the health warning labels stopped them from having a cigarette many times. Read more about the status and effects of point of sale health warning labels in the United States.
- Special communication: An evaluation of the FDA’s analysis of the costs and benefits of the graphic warning label regulation, Tobacco Control
- Economists find the FDA’s assessment underestimated the benefits and overestimated the costs of graphic warning labels.
- Impact of Australia’s introduction of tobacco plain packs on adult smokers’ pack-related perceptions and responses: results from a continuous tracking survey, Smoking and Tobacco
- This study found that 2-3 months after the introduction of plain packaging, more smokers had strong reactions to the health warnings and fewer smokers found the packs attractive.
- Comment: Evidence support plain tobacco packaging to improve public health, The Pharmaceutical Journal
- Emotional reaction facilitates the brain and behavioral impact of graphic warning labels in smokers, Tobacco Control
- A systematic review of health effects of electronic cigarettes, Preventive Medicine
- No firm conclusions can be drawn from this review due to methodological problems, inconsistent findings, and many articles with authors with conflicts of interest. However, according to this review, electronic cigarettes cannot be considered harmless.
- The importance of product definitions in US e-cigarette laws and regulations, Tobacco Control
- Read more about e-cigarettes at the point of sale and current regulations (or lack thereof) of these products.
- E-cigarette use and intentions to smoke among 11-year-old never-smokers in Wales, Tobacco Control
- This study found that more 10-11-year-olds had tried e-cigarettes than had tried tobacco, pointing towards e-cigarettes as a new form of childhood experimentation with nicotine.
- Trends in Electronic Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults: Use is Increasing in Both Smokers and Nonsmokers, Nicotine & Tobacco Research
- While use is highest among youth and current smokers, 32.5% of current electronic cigarette users are never- or former smokers.
- One of several ‘toy’s for smoking: young adult experiences with electronic cigarettes in New York City, Tobacco Control
New Reports
- Broken Promises to Our Children: A State-by-State Look at the 1998 State Tobacco Settlement 16 Years Later, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids
- State Laws Prohibiting Sales to Minors and Indoor Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems – United States, November 2014, CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
- WHO Evidence Brief : Plain packaging of tobacco products: measures to decrease smoking initiation and increase cessation
- 2015 State of Tobacco Control, American Lung Association
Industry News
- A Look Back at Tobacco Legislation in 2014, CSPnet
- House Republicans Ask FDA to Move SE Date, CSPnet
- Tobacco Questions for 2015, CSPnet
- A Lesser Warning? Maybe. Maker of Snus, a Smokeless Tobacco, Say’s it’s Less Harmful Than Cigarettes, New York Times
- Race to Deliver Nicotine’s Punch, With Less Risk, New York Times
- Reynolds, Lorillard say federal approval for $27.4B deal advancing, Winston-Salem Journal

POS Policy in the Media
- Tobacco Prices on Military Bases Go Up Under Defense Spending Bill, Military.com
- Risk Warnings on Smokeless Tobacco, New York Times
- Regulations restrict flavored tobacco sales, e-cigarette use in Ashland, Wicked Local
- Stories that endure: Good fight against tobacco far from over in Valley, Daily Hampshire Gazette
- Push to end the sale of candy-flavored tobacco,Fox 4 [Fort Myers, FL]
- Nob Hill to halt tobacco sales, accept honor from local officials, San Benito County Today
- Why do teens still smoke? On addition, advertising, and the rise of e-cigarettes, Fox News
- 2 Approaches to Ending Smoking: Laws and Labels, NPR
- Ramsey coalition targets flavored smokes, Pioneer Press
New Tobacco Retailer Licensing Laws:
- SF approves 50 percent reduction in tobacco-selling stores, San Francisco Examiner
- Read more about San Francisco’s landmark “Tobacco Sales Reduction Act”
- Salinas Council approves tobacco-seller licensing, The Salinas Californian
- Newburgh Council approves tobacco law, Times Herald-Record
- County OKs tough e-cigarette rules, The Register-Guard
- Santa Cruz improves score for tobacco restrictions, Santa Cruz Sentinel
- El Cerrito acts to to further strengthen tobacco regulation, Contra Costa Times
Tobacco 21:
Columbia raises age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21, ABC 17 News, Missouri
.- Beginning March 1, tobacco buyers must be 21 in Lawrence, Eagle-Tribune
- Communities cracking down on tobacco use, MetroWest Daily News
- Health board considers age restrictions for tobacco, e-cigarettes, Wicked Local Marshfield
- Legal age to buy cigarettes, tobacco products in Suffolk raised to 21 on Jan. 1, Riverhead Local
- Tobacco age upped to 21-plus; New regulations on sales take effect Feb 1., The Andover Townsman
- Montague, Leverett: No tobacco for youth, The Recorder
- Washington state attorney general seeks to raise smoking age to 21, Reuters
- Federal Way senator proposes new bill to increase smoking age from 18 to 21, Federal Way Mirror
- FDA Ask for Input on Impacts of E-Cigarettes, The Hill
- E-cigarette Tech Takes off as Regulation Looms, Associated Press
- More than 16 million children live where they can buy e-cigarettes legally,Washington Post
- Survey: E-Cigs Surpass Regular Cigs in Teen Use, New York Times
- Teen e-cigarette use on the rise, CNN.com
- E-cigarette boom among kids more than Fed’s fault, Sacramento Bee
- Arizona e-cigarette study targets Facebook, Twitter, AZ Central
- Council to decide if e-cigs same as real deal, Camarillo Acorn
- Legislature to consider ban on e-cigarettes to minors, Houston Chronicle
- New year brings state regulations on e-cigarette packaging to protect children, Owatonna People’s Press
- Seeking Swifter Action in E-Cigarette Regulation, Huffington Post
- Tobacco in Disguise, West Central Tribune
- What to Know About the Science of E-Cigarettes, TIME
- Surgeon General: “Desperate need of clarity” on e-cigarettes, WRAL
Find more stories in last month’s News and Research Roundup.
Know of a story that we missed? Email us, and we’ll be sure to include it in next month’s roundup!