Tobacco Free Retailers: Donna Horger – Brooks Pharmacy

Healthy Retailers, Personal Narrative, Pharmacies, Product Availability, Retailer Density

Nearly 3,700 retailers sell tobacco products in Philadelphia, about one for every 160 households. In fact, there are more tobacco retailers per capita in Philadelphia than in any other US city, with the exception of Washington, DC. The number and location of tobacco retailers has a serious impact on the health of a community, and has been linked to: youth starting to smoke, fewer successful quit attempts by smokers, and cravings and impulse purchases by smokers. For all these reasons, Get Healthy Philly is proud to acknowledge the Philadelphia retailers who have voluntarily chosen to stop selling tobacco products. See more tobacco free spaces here.

And to search by zip code for tobacco-free retailers in Philadelphia, visit the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. is a project of Counter Tools. Counter Tools (logo)